Young Worker Safety Checklist

This checklist is an important tool for employers to lessen injury risks among young workers. It assists in complying with legal obligations and, more importantly, ensures the safety of all employees at the workplace. By following this guide, you can create a safer work environment for young staff, effectively preventing accidents and promoting a safety-first culture

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What’s in the checklist?

Compliance Questions to Consider

Training Practices You Should Consider

Additional Factors For Concern with Young Workers

What you need to know:

Our checklist is specifically designed to help employers address the unique needs of young workers, who are typically under 25 and vary in experience, maturity, and physical capabilities.

Recognising young worker enthusiasm and quick learning abilities, we've tailored this guide to assist in adjusting workplace procedures and methods for enhanced safety. It's not just about meeting legal requirements; this tool is crucial for ensuring the safety of employees, their colleagues, and the public in your workplace.

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